

EXATRON guarantees its products against manufacturing defects, as long as they are kept under normal conditions of use and maintenance (product, packaging and accessories).

A EXATRON, without charge for the consumer or for resale, will effectuate the exchange of the product.

How to proceed:

  • Purchase for resale (physical store): the final consumer must provide LOJA with the purchase, accompanied by the respective tax note or tax quota. The store will make exchange and subsequent shipment to Exatron.
  • Purchase for resale (virtual store): the final consumer must contact the virtual LOJA regarding the purchase, as given by the tax note or tax quota. The virtual store will make exchange and subsequent shipment to Exatron.
  • Purchase on the exatron site (virtual store): the final consumer must contact the virtual LOJA exatron on 0800 5413310 or by e-mail: and will be guided how to proceed, it is important to check the data of the fiscal note ou fiscal quota.
  • The returned or replaced product will be guaranteed for the remainder of the original period. All defective parts that were replaced are property of EXATRON.


EXATRON does not assume any liability or responsibility for modifications to this warranty, except if there is a written agreement between EXATRON and the user, the warranty does not charge the installation of the equipment for any damage caused by improper installation or use of the product. If a product fails within the warranty period, the customer may contact the non-local product purchase warranty (LOJA) for its replacement or directly by telephone 08005413310 or through two e-mails: or asc The service schedule is from second to sixth fair from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.



The warranty does not cover:  

  • Defects or damages caused by improper use of the product;
  • Defects or damage due to atmospheric discharges, inadequate electrical network or network maneuvers electrical (over and under voltage, short circuits) and/or internet access problems; Defects or damages caused by excess load used or operated fo
  • Defects or damages caused by excess load used or operated outside of the maximum reported parameters;
  • Defeitos e danos causados por quedas ou armazenagem do produto;
  • Defects and damages caused by damage or damage to the product;
  • Defeitos ou danos causados agentes naturais (enchentes, maresia, oxidação ou exposição excessiva ao calor);
  • Defects or damage caused by natural agents (enchentes, maresia, oxidation or excessive exposure to heat);
  • Defects and damages caused by misuse or natural wear and tear of the product;
  • Defects and damages caused by third-party installation services.


The warranty period for Exatron products is differentiated for each type of product, counted from the data of the Tax Note of Sale to the final consumer. The warranty period consists of the packaging of the product and the site, on the bottom of the product.


a)  For a better analysis of our technical area, it is important that the consumer details the maximum possible or defect that the product would be presenting, in application, in addition to two installation details such as the type of load and commanded power, voltage of the electrical network, etc.. .

b)  In case of failure of the product diagnosed by the testing department, outside the factory, for example, due to damage, incorrect handling or electric shock, the product itself will also be returned via post office, with free payment to the customer via Sedex collect. In no case of conserto will be charged to executed service.

Exatron values ​​the best service to consumers and customers, any difficulty regarding the warranty or operation of products we make our ombudsman available for an agile and effective solution, contact us on 0800 5413310 and request extension 500 or by e-mail: Ouviron@exatron

Our commitment is to always provide the best service, satisfying our consumers and customers, count on Exatron!


